==================================== Example -- Disabling traceback pages ==================================== If processing a request fails, by default Klein (and Twisted) show an error page that prints the traceback and other useful debugging information. This is not desirable when you deploy code publicly, in such a case, you should disable this behaviour. There are multiple ways to do this, you can do this on a Klein-app scope or change the default for the python process. We will use following Klein app: .. code-block:: python from klein import Klein app = Klein() @app.route('/OK') def requestOK(self, request): return 'OK' @app.route('/KO') def requestKO(self, request): raise RuntimeError('Oops') Example - Disable traceback pages on a single Klein app ======================================================= This works by passing the ``displayTracebacks`` argument as ``False`` to ``app.run``. .. code-block:: python if __name__ == '__main__': import sys displayTracebacks = '--production' not in sys.args # The Klein app will not display tracebacks if the script is called # with a --production argument, but it will otherwise. app.run('localhost', 8080, displayTracebacks=displayTracebacks) Example - Disable traceback pages process wide ============================================== This method also affects other Twisted Sites. Under the hood, Klein uses ``twisted.web.server.Site``, which has an instance variable ``displayTracebacks`` that defaults to ``True``. For the rationale behind that, check `trac#135 `_. .. code-block:: python # Disable tracebacks by default for any Site object. from twisted.web.server import Site Site.displayTracebacks = False if __name__ == '__main__': # The Klein app won't display tracebacks app.run('localhost', 8080)